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Línea 1: Línea 1:
  ''[[Page 11|In]] girum imus nocte et consumimur [[Page 2|igni]]''
  ''[[Page 11|In]] girum imus nocte et consumimur [[Page 2|igni]]''
[[Archivo:Line 1.png|miniaturadeimagen|The bloodline.]]
Línea 9: Línea 10:
<u>''“There goes my heart manifest outside of my body draped in the towering silhouette of a most unusually handsome boy,”''</u> she began her post, ''“magical and haunted kinetic and tortured ethereal and dangerous cosmic lawless eternal creative genius.”'' She continued: ''“The journey will likely be perilous, but there is no destination without him. Happy valentine’s day, rehab barbie.”'' Megan Fox about her lover Machine Gun Kelly.</blockquote>
<u>''“There goes my heart manifest outside of my body draped in the towering silhouette of a most unusually handsome boy,”''</u> she began her [https://www.instagram.com/p/CLSco4kFSrM/ post], ''“magical and haunted kinetic and tortured ethereal and dangerous cosmic lawless eternal creative genius.”'' She continued: ''“The journey will likely be perilous, but there is no destination without him. Happy valentine’s day, rehab barbie.”'' Megan Fox about her lover Machine Gun Kelly</blockquote>
[[Archivo:Locket machine gun kelly-megan fox3.png|miniaturadeimagen|The locket.]]
[[Archivo:Locket machine gun kelly-megan fox3.png|miniaturadeimagen|The locket.]]
The 30-year-old rapper, singer, and songwriter, born Colson Baker, has revealed that he wears some of his girlfriend Megan Fox's blood around his neck. ''<u>"I wear your blood around my neck,"</u>'' he captioned a gallery of memories with his lady, alongside the "kitchen knife" and <u>"drop of blood"</u> emojis. One of the images shared was a photo of a spherical pendant featuring a bright red smudge.
The 30-year-old rapper, singer, and songwriter, born Colson Baker, has revealed that he wears some of his girlfriend Megan Fox's blood around his neck. ''<u>"I wear your blood around my neck,"</u>'' he captioned a gallery of memories with his lady, alongside the "kitchen knife" and <u>"drop of blood"</u> emojis. One of the images shared was a photo of a spherical pendant featuring a bright red smudge.
It's this impossible yearning for eternal love ❤️💕 💖 💘 🧡 💓 💗 💙 💛 💝 💜 💚 🖤 💞 Why do I desire this impossibility, this suffering. I think you must be doomed to fall in love forever. Or to be in love for all eternity. It is noting more than a heartbreak literally waiting to happen, for ever. Over and over and over again. 💔💔💔🔗You are on the edge of the cliff, always, and you can fall and still die. I do not grasp what is eternal. It can only be a loop of same mistakes, good or bad choices, fate is 🔒
It's this impossible yearning for eternal love ❤️💕 💖 💘 🧡 💓 💗 💙 💛 💝 💜 💚 🖤 💞 Why do I desire this impossibility, this suffering. I think you must be doomed to fall in love forever. Or to be in love for all eternity. It is nothing more than a heartbreak literally waiting to happen, for ever. Over and over and over again. [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/%F0%9F%92%94 💔💔💔🔗]You are on the edge of the cliff, always, and you can fall and still die. I do not grasp what is eternal. It can only be a loop of same mistakes, good or bad choices, fate is [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/Vervain 🔒]
Let's repeat:
Let's repeat and chant:
''magical and haunted''
''magical and haunted''
Línea 30: Línea 27:
''creative genius''
''creative genius''

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